
Saturday, January 30, 2016

2016 Goals

How is it already pretty much February?!? Seriously, is anyone else floored by this? Since it is still technically January, I thought it's better late than never to get my goals for 2016 out there. Some people call them New Years Resolutions, but I think if I call them goals there's a better chance they'll stick.

Goal #1: Plan out & cook more meals
This one is probably the goal I'm most serious about, which is why its number one.  I was starting to get really good at this one when I lived in Lakeland.  I would even do meal prep on some Sundays.  Living with my parents the past few months, I don't do much of the cooking or grocery shopping.  So, I'm pretty limited on what I eat.  The tables are going to turn in about a month, when I'm the one running the kitchen.  I'm excited for this goal, but also nervous about sticking to it.  When I did meal prep, I still hadn't quite gotten the hang of it.  It could take a few hours, and sometimes even most of my Sunday. Plus, I was still working crazy hours because it was right in the middle of baseball season.  My Pinterest has been filling up with great ideas about 'dump meals' and easy to make meals. I'm really hoping those will make this goal easier to accomplish. I want to be able to make meals that are actually good for me, and not just junk that I made at home.  It's also going to be a huge money saver if I can be serious about it. Here's to hoping that being in my own kitchen again will make this dream a reality! 

Goal #2: Be more intentional in relationships
This is something I wish I was every year, and I think that this is the year I finally do something about it.  Moving away from my friends and family has definitely been a huge motivator.  The main way I want to implement this one is through good ole snail mail.  I really want to send more cards when a huge life event happens, thank you cards, and hand written letters "just because."  Over the years, I've realized that its easier for me to express feelings through written words instead of spoken words.  So writing letters is definitely the easiest way for me to tell people how much I appreciate them.  I want to be more present and more intentional in letting people know they mean a lot to me and that I'm thinking of them.  To help with this goal, I've even designated a whole planner to birthdays so that (hopefully) I won't forget to send cards.  This probably won't actually take off until February and after the move, but I really hope to turn this into a habit for the rest of my life.  

Goal #3: Read at least five books
One of the last classes I took in college was International Marketing, and our professor had us do a semester-long case study that involved reading a book and talking about it each week in class.  His inspiration behind this was that he read a stat that said most adults don't even read one book a year.  This is crazy to me, because I know I read at least one book a year. I've already finished one in 2016 alone.  In 2015, I think I read at least four, and I'd like to think I might be forgetting a few.  So, I'm pretty confident that I can get five in this year.  I think reading books is really important, and it's something that I really enjoy but never remember to do enough of.  If you have any good book suggestions, send them my way! Until then, I'll just keep my eyes open for the best reads of 2016. 

Goal #4: Stay calm & focused
This is going to be a HUGE one for me to remember daily.  So many changes and adjustments will be happening this year.  Moving to a new state, becoming an Army wife, adjusting to Army life, and being married are just a few of those changes. It can be so easy for me to become overwhelmed, unless I mentally prepare myself with pep talks.  I know this year will be full of learning experiences for not only myself, but also Connor and our families.  This is why I want to try my hardest to not constantly freak out or get upset when things don't go as planned.  Which is going to be extremely hard since I'm a planner.  But I have learned in life, and especially with the Army, plans can and will change often.  I want to make sure I stay focused on what ultimately matters, and not let these changes overwhelm me. Staying focused on having fun and growing as a person will hopefully help me stay level headed, and make it through the rough times. 

Goal #5: Be present
Similar to number four, but more meant to go hand in hand with it.  Whenever I go visit Connor, I notice I spend hardly any time on my phone. Mostly because he's usually the only reason I'm on it so much when we're apart, but also because I want to get the most out of our time together.  That's what got me thinking about this as a goal. I want to get the most out of time. Most of my e-mails aren't that important, Instagram posts aren't going anywhere, and I'm sure I'll hear about whatever happened on Facebook later. This is all easier said than done.  I love social media, and I certainly check it multiple times a day. I want to really work on this though.  I want to be present in other people's lives more, and live more in the moment rather than miss out on such important days of my life.  The focus here is to be in the moment and present and take in as much as I can every day.  If and when Connor ever deploys, I want to have a stockpile of moments and memories to look back on when I miss him.  Once I'm out of the house again, I want to miss hanging out with my mom because I got so used to spending time with her.  These will be a reality if I choose to be more present.  I end with this goal, because it's up there with my first goal. 

I did choose to leave out some goals.  Some may be personal or about my career or I just didn't highlight them.  Eventually, these goals will be written on paper and hung on a cork board where I can see them every day.  Until then, I will think of them often and try to get closer to achieving them everyday.  Did you make any New Years Resolutions or set goals for 2016?  Are any of your goals similar to mine?  Make sure to tell me about them in the comments!

Until next time,


  1. I love your goals, Kaitlyn.

    Cooking is such a tough thing for Eric and I also. Eric likes to cook, but we both like to eat out WAY too much!

    Being intentional in relationships is very important and something not many of us are very good at anymore. My 91 year old grandmother still keeps in contact through handwritten notes with friends from high school. How crazy is that?

    Reading is so important to me, but (even as a librarian) I don't do enough. It's such a great getaway. Are you a goodreads user?

    1. Thanks Aunt Sundi!

      I can totally relate on loving to eat out! It'll especially be hard now that we'll be around all these new places in Colorado.

      My grandma used to send cards and letters to all of her friends too! It always amazed me that they all still kept in touch like that. There's just something so special about snail mail.

      I've never heard of goodreads. What is it?

  2. Way to go Kaitlyn - I like them all. I"m probably one of those folks who read too much! One year I did 100 books - killed me - and one of those was the Bible(I guess I could have counted that as 66 lol). Last year I read 62 and this year I'm down to 52.

    Cooking in is a great savings!

    My cell phone girl is going to "be present" - great goal.

    Love you and enjoy the adventure!

    OxXo (Nacho Libre)MC

  3. P.S. Should always proofread - *I'm, reads. There I feel better. MC

    1. P.P.S. I'm also on goodreads. Love their book challenge.

    2. I can't wait to get going on these goals! I need to display them somewhere I can see them everyday. It sounds like I need to get on this goodreads train. I'll look into it!
