
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Home is Where the Heart is?

Hello everyone!

There's something that's been weighing on my mind lately, and I want to hear some thoughts on it!

So, the past four and a half months I have been in a long distance relationship with Connor while he's up at Fort Gordon.  While its not the first time I've been in a long distance relationship, or been away from Connor for an extended period of time, it definitely has not been the easiest.  Before Connor, I was in a long distance relationship that transitioned out of one when I transferred schools.  So, I went from being in a long distance relationship to being in the same town as my significant other.
Now, I'm going from being in the same place as my significant other to being in a long distance relationship.

It's got me thinking: which do you think is harder? Going from a long distance relationship first, to being in the same place as your significant other? Or going from being in the same place as your significant other first, and then being in a long distance relationship?

For me, I really can't decide which one I find harder. I do know that I am very ready to be back in the same place as Connor! Shoot, even just being in the same state would be nice! I can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts on this.

Until next time,

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