
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Put Me in Coach!

These past few days, I basically got "called up" at work to help out while a full-timer was away. Here's basically what I mean...

I currently work part-time on a promotions team for a minor league baseball team. It's quite the shift from being a full-time intern, but I like what I do. It boils down to that I'm a part-time game day employee. The end of last week, I was asked to step in as the receptionist while their actual receptionist is out of town. This may sound weird, but I was really excited to do it! It was basically like being called up. For those who don't watch a ton of baseball, minor league players can be called up to the next level or even to the majors. So the comparison seemed appropriate.

Anyway, this meant I got to dust off my business attire and dress up again! Here's what I wore during my temporary career as a full-time receptionist.

Kept it pretty business casual day 1. 
Shirt: Ann Taylor Loft
Pants: Banana Republic 
Shoes: Charlotte Russe 

Dressed it up a little more on day 2.
Top: Dillard's
Pants Ann Taylor Loft
Shoes: Rack Room Shoes

Day 3 was a 12 hour day full of receptionist work and a game, so I forgot to take a picture. 

Thought I'd give you a sneak peak into what I like to wear when I dress professionally! Since I'm pretty tall I usually stay away from full length pants, and stick to dresses and ankle length pants. Where do you buy your professional wear? What are some classic pieces?

Until next time,
K. Shep

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